Other Seeds

Packets from this list are $4.00 each. Zones stated correspond to USDA climate zones. Packet size is at least 50 seeds, unless otherwise specified.

Anigozanthos flavidus – Australia. photo Erect iris-like clumps of leaves to 30″; dark stems to 5’+ bear fuzzy burnt orange flowers on this selection of kangaroo paw. Seedlings may be variable, but there are no other colors nearby. Z9

Clarkia tenella – lavender purple  — photo The South American clarkias seem to be longer blooming than our gorgeous California species. This upright annual displays silky lavender purple flowers for months.

Clarkia tenella maroon flower – South America. photo Annual. Most likely a subspecies of tenella. Small, bright maroon flowers are abundant on low, spreading plants. Long bloom.

Dahlia coccinea hybrids – orange and gold – Mexico. Masses of single, bright orange to gold flowers are carried on bushy plants that can reach 6′ from late spring through fall. Bloom within three months of sowing.

Freesia alba – Iridaceae, S. Africa.  Easy from seed, this bulb (actually a corm) grows in winter/spring and is dormant in summer. Late spring flowers are clear white with a purplish flush on the petal backs. Very nicely fragrant too.  30 seeds

Gladiolus flanaganii

Gladiolus flanaganii – The famous (infamous?) suicide glad produces 2″, rich blood red flowers with white linear markings in the throat on arching spikes above green foliage. It is so named because it is usually seen from a distance in inaccessible locations midway along steep waterfalls and cliffs high in the Drakensberg of Eastern S. Africa. Summer growing. Needs good air circulation and consistent watering for best flowering. Easy to germinate and grow. Z8 30 seeds

Heliophila coronopifolia – South Africa. photo This showy annual makes many thin spikes with clear blue round flowers for a long season, spring and summer. Easy, rewarding and just pretty. 100 seeds

Heliophila coronopifolia

Lessertia montanaphoto 3′ shrub with fine, gray divided leaves produces clusters of bright red “parrot’s beak” flowers in spring and summer. Flowers mature to inflated shiny rose pink photo bladder-like fruits. 30 seeds

Leucadendron tinctum – South Africa. Sturdy shrub to 5′ has wide gray-green leaves and bears male and female flowers on separate plants. Bloom is in February with rosy and creamy yellow bracts and flowers have a fruity aroma. Summer new growth is flushed pink. Hand pollinated seed.  Super Smoke Plus sent with packet of 15 seeds

Melianthus major – South Africa. Grown primarily for its large lush, blue gray foliage, the tall spikes of maroon flowers in spring are an added bonus. Z9 30 seeds

Mirabilis longiflora

Mirabilis longiflora

Mirabilis longiflora – Texas, Mexico. photo Long stems have clusters of white flowers at their tips. The effect is very airy, as the flower tubes are 5″ long, and the exotically scented, rose-centered white flowers open only at night, and all point in different directions. Not for the meticulously manicured garden, but well worth growing! Perennial. Z8 30 seeds

Tigridia pavonia -white fl. – Mexico. The typical huge bowl-shaped summer flowers are pure white in this seed strain, with a yellowish flush in the center, but none of the usual markings. Probably ‘Alba Immaculata’. Z9

Wattakaka (Dregea) sinensis – China. This climbing milkweed displays rounded heads of fragrant starry whitish-pink flowers in summer. Deciduous in winter. Leaves usually variegated in this seed strain. Z9 or less 30 seed