California Natives

2025 list

Select: A-C | D-K | L-M | N-Z

Updated 3 September 2024

Price per packet is $4.00.
Packet size is at least 50 seeds, unless otherwise specified. All seeds are available unless marked Not available or Sold out
Ordering information is on the home page at Order. Zones included at the end of the description correspond to climatic zones used by the USDA and the RHS Index of Garden Plants.

Plants in this section are California natives.

A – C

Achyrachaena mollis

Achyrachaena mollis

Achyrachaena mollis – California, Oregon. photo Blow Wives. The very subtle flowers of this composite open golden yellow, then turn to red as they mature. The prominent spherical 1.5″ clusters of shining silvery white bracts are held for quite a while when this annual is in seed. A grassland inhabitant.
Agoseris grandiflora –  photo Just a dandelion, but with truly grand fluffy seedheads over 2″ wide. puff photo Lemon yellow flowers over deeply lobed leaves on a basal rosette. Perennial. Should be very tough. To 12″ tall.
Allium dichlamydeumphoto Coast onion makes 8-10” stems tipped by clusters of vivid rose pink flowers. 30 seeds
Allium falcifolium –  photo Low very ornamental onion with gray-green falcate leaves and round heads of vivid rose purple flowers in spring. 30 seeds Z8

Amsinckia tessellata

Amsinckia tessellata

Amsinckia tessellata [var. gloriosa] – Vivid orange flowers emerge from coiled spikes on robust (to 2′) plants. Original collection from slopes in interior San Luis Obispo County and they painted the hills orange. Annual.
Aristolochia californica –  photo A lovely California relic of a mainly tropical genus, this vine has large felted, heart shaped leaves and curious purple-brown flowers reminiscent of a meerschaum pipe. Not difficult to grow, provided that it is given rich soil from the start and never, ever allowed to become potbound. Best results from seed soaked overnight, then covered at least 1/4″ or the cotyledons will not be able to break out of the seedcoat.   30 seeds
Asclepias speciosa –  photo Wide gray leaves on stems to 4′ and large rounded heads of pinkish white flowers. Spreads at the root. This great perennial is slow to develop in its first year, and broadcast sowing is not recommended. Larval food for monarch butterflies. Seed strain from northern California. Z2
Boechera breweriphoto Brewer’s rock cress is a tidy shrublet with narrow blue green leaves photo and bright purplish pink flowers in spring. Formerly Arabis breweri
Brodiaea californica–  photo Native bulb makes strong stems to 18″+ with upfacing umbels of dark lavender purple flowers in late spring and early summer. Z8
Calandrinia breweri photo Low spreading annual with thick green leaves and many rounded rosy pink flowers in spring.

Castilleja foliolosaphoto Perennial paintbrush with silvery leaves and showy red bracts around the small pale flowers. This plant is known to be hemiparasitic on shrubs (Diplacus and Artemisia and many legumes) but also can be grown independently, at least for a while. This seed comes from an avid gardener who reports that her plants did well when grown with Acmispon glaber but also did well when grown on their own. 30 seeds
Caulanthus anceps –  photo Individual flowers are lavender pink and fragrant, set along long, wand like gray stems. This annual is fairly subtle on its own, but sparkling in combination with other flowers, or in a mass.
Caulanthus flavescens (Guillenia f.) –  photo Erect thin spikes carry masses of bright, creamy yellow fls in spring and early summer on this slender annual. Very showy when grown in a small colony. Stems to 18-24″.

Caulanthus inflatus –  photo Spectacular annual with striking inflated yellow stems; terminal tip and buds are dark purple. Small petals are bicolored purple and white and stigmas are pink. photo Needs excellent drainage, and grows well in containers. Can grow to 2′. There is nothing quite like this plant, commonly known as desert candle, when it blooms.
Centaurium davyi, C. muehlenbergii see Zeltnera
Chaenactis artemisiifolia –  photo  Ferny, finely dissected gray leaves are set against well branched purplish stems that can reach 5′ in a season; dense white heads of “pincushion” flowers are abundant. Annual.

Chlorogalum pomeridianum var divaricatumphoto Compact form of soap plant has the typical low green leaves, but the branched flower stems are only about 30″ high. Starry white flowers. 20 seeds
Chorizanthe douglasii –  photo Heads of hot pink flowers on slender stems are held over low leaves in late spring on this buckwheat relative. Best in lean soils, found in grassland or open woodland. Annual.

Chorizanthe membranacea

Chorizanthe membranacea

Chorizanthe membranacea –  photo In natural settings, this annual is quite understated, with half-inch round heads of pinkish white flowers on erect stems. Planted closer together or in containers, it can present an impressive display of densely interlaced stems carrying white round flower heads in late spring and summer.

Cirsium occidentale

Cirsium occidentale

Chorizanthe staticoides– Turkish rugging. photo Abundant on dry slopes, this annual puts on its show in late spring or early summer. Branched stems make broad heads of bright purplish magenta, prickly flowers.
Chorizanthe ventricosa photo Close to flat prickly mats of vivid rose flowers spread out over bare soil in late spring. Original collection from interior ranges near Parkfield Grade.

chorizanthe ventricosa

Chorizanthe ventricosa

Cirsium occidentale –  photo Coastal thistle makes rounded gray mounds to 2-3′; densely cobwebby heads open with red flowers. Literature calls it biennial, but it acts annual. 30 seeds

Clarkias are beautiful hardy annuals; they have been hybridized and bred for larger and more double flowers, but some of the species and varieties are the best. These species have been separated in the garden by space and time of bloom, so seed should be true to name. Packets contain 100+ seeds.
Clarkia amoena ssp. whitneyiphoto Large light lavender pink flowers with paler zone near the base of the petals are quite showy on this distinctive form of a species of restricted habitat.
Clarkia bilobaphoto Two lobed clarkia grows to 2-3′, with slender, flexible stems carrying many soft rose pink flowers with two-lobed petals. Original seed from the Sierra foothills.
Clarkia breweriphoto Small in stature (5-10″) and somewhat particular in its cultural requirements, fairy fans clarkia produces delightfully fragrant good sized pink flowers in late spring. Needs good drainage, best in part shade. 30 seeds

Clarkia gracilis ssp albicaulisphoto White stemmed clarkia has an erect habit and attractive white buds. Striking flowers are pinkish lavender shading to white near the center, with a red base.

Clarkia modesta photo Delicate clarkia sets smallish pale pink flowers against red stems and green leaves and is covered with flowers in late spring and early summer. Prefers shady places in woodland settings.
Clarkia prostrata photo Species from coastal central California makes low, spreading mats dotted with four-petaled light pink flowers with whitish centers and a darker pink splotch on each petal.
Clarkia purpurea ssp. purpurea –  Santa Cruz County. photo This form of the species is very distinctive, with very dense heads of fair sized dark lavender flowers set against blue-green leaves. Upright to 18″.

Clarkia purpurea quadrivulnera

Clarkia purpurea ssp quadrivulnera

Clarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera –  photo  The usual shiny deep reddish purple fls. have an unusual white center. Stems can reach 3-5′ in a garden setting and carry many flowers.

Clarkia purpurea quadrivulnera--white

Clarkia purpurea quadrivulnera–white

Clarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera -white flower-  photo Erect willowy annual displays small white flowers along the stems in spring. From a white flowering population in Monterey County. Grows 3-5′ in garden setting.
Clarkia rubicunda –  photo Large lavender pink flowers have red centers on this showy annual. Floriferous and very striking in containers or the garden. Good cut flower. Can grow to 2’+, blooms for months.

Clarkia speciosa ssp. immaculata

Clarkia speciosa ssp. immaculata –  photo Silky mauve purple flowers with striking white centers are 1.5″ across in this subspecies. Can only be sold within California  
Clarkia speciosa ssp. speciosaphoto Shiny red purple flowers with close-to-orange centers shimmer in late spring and early summer. Best in well drained sites.
Clarkia tenella – lavender or maroon flowers – listed under Other Seeds. From South America.

Clarkia speciosa ssp. speciosa

Clarkia unguiculata ‘Laguna’photo  From a colony found in Santa Cruz County, this very distinctive seed strain makes stocky columnar plants to 18″. Bright mauve-red flowers and leaves are densely held. Formerly sold as compact form.
Clarkia williamsonii –  photo Gaudy lavender pink flowers are good sized, with a broad white central zone, and wedge shaped patches of dark red violet on the petals. Best results with good drainage.
Claytonia [gypsophiloides] photo Unsure of the species naming or whether it has “intergraded” with another Claytonia, but very sure about the charm of this easy annual. Palest pink flowers, red buds. Colorful as it dries.
Claytonia parviflora –  California and the west. photo Small scale form of miner’s lettuce forms tight mounds with white flowers nestled in the typical cupped leaves. Whole plant turns peachy gray as it matures. Buns to 8″. CN
Claytonia parviflora ssp. viridis photo Diminutive annual makes tight buns of pale greenish tan narrow leaves, then produces many pinkish white flowers till the soil dries out. Great container plant.
Claytonia perfoliataphoto Miner’s lettuce. This seed is from a compact form with somewhat thickened leaves from eastern San Luis Obispo County.

Collinsia bartsiifolia var. davidsonii photo Smaller scale collinsia has many pink and white flowers on stems to 12″. Great container plant or in small scale plantings.
Collinsia heterophylla-Sierra form –  photo Plants from the Sierras of this species have dark purple flowers, with light central patch and red lines in the usual places. Striking annual for part shade.
Collinsia multicolorphoto Central California annual has loosely whorled flowers with whitish upper petals and lavender lower lip. Smaller scale than C. heterophylla. Very floriferous.
Collinsia parviflora–  photo Roundish bright dark green leaves are densely held on short stems. Vivid small violet blue flowers nestled in leaf axils are very well displayed. Great annual for small scale plantings or containers.
Collinsia tinctoria –  photo Tincture plant is annual and can grow to 2′ high. Abundant flowers in tiers are creamy white, with purple lines that seem almost painted on. Easy to grow.

Collomia grandiflora

Collomia grandiflora

Collomia grandiflora – W. United States. photo Erect annual to 3′ with shiny green leaves and very broad dense terminal heads of beige to salmon pink starry flowers. A very unusual color in flowers.
Coreopsis (Leptosyne) calliopsidea – Sheets of these vivid golden yellow daisies brighten interior valleys when conditions are favorable in spring. This easy annual can have individual flowers up to an inch across.      30+ seeds


Daucus pusillus photo Wild carrot or rattlesnake weed. Found in many plant communities throughout California, this easy annual grows 4-20″ high with lacy leaves and umbels of greenish white flowers. Larval food for swallowtails.

Daucus pusillus

Deinandra (Hemizonia) corymbosa –  photo Cheery 1″ yellow daisies appear all summer on this well branched coastal annual to 18″ with aromatic foliage and an easy constitution.
Deinandra (Hemizonia) fasciculata –  photo Clouds of acid yellow daisy flowers are held in dense heads on wiry stems on this well branched, airy annual. Plants can reach 3′ in height. Extended bloom season.
Delphinium hesperium pallescens photo Probable name for this sturdy, beautiful delphinium from dry slopes in the southern interior coast ranges. Stems 2-3’ high have many pinkish white flowers in spring and early summer. Let dry after bloom.
Delphinium parryi photo Beautiful blue delphinium grows to about 18″ and blooms in spring. Can flower in its first year, then dry (like a bulb) through summer.
Dichelostemma capitatum giant form.  photo Tight heads of lavender blue flowers on this form from Santa Cruz Island; original collection by Roger Raiche. Stems can reach to 3′, and fl. heads are easily 3″ across. 50 seeds

Diplacus (Mimulus) aurantiacus – Sticky monkeyflower can grow to 5′ or more high, with bright golden orange flowers along the stems in late spring and early summer. Can take drought or moderate watering. Hummingbirds love it.

Diplacus grandiflorus (Mimulus bifidus, Mimulus aurantiacus var. grandiflorus)– photo Shrubby monkeyflower has large, somewhat frilly salmon peach flowers. From the inland mountain ranges of northern California.
Diplacus (Mimulus) pictusphoto The beauty of this small annual is in the intricate markings on its salverform flowers. The background color is white, but it is delicately patterned with clear brown lines. Best in containers. 100+ seed

Mimulus pictus

Diplacus pictus

Dudleya brittonii –  Baja California. photo Huge succulent silvery rosettes put up flower spikes with pale yellow flowers in spring, but the ghostly rosette is the real show. Protect from hard frost and winter wet. 100 seeds
Ehrendorferia chrysantha – Golden eardrops is challenging to germinate and difficult to establish in the garden. Seed is offered for those who want to try. Super Smoke Plus (included) might help germination.
Elymus californicus –  photo California bottlebrush grass has wide green leaves and gracefully draping “bottlebrush” flower spikes on 4-5′ stems. Found in moist conifer forests, it appreciates at least part shade. Z8 or less
Epilobium brachycarpum photo – Autumn willowweed is sometimes called a weed, but it’s such a nice weed. Quarter size mauve flowers are abundant in late summer with just a little supplemental water. Looks like a Clarkia when it flowers.
Eremalche parryiphoto Trailing stems carry many bright silky light rose purple flowers in spring on this uncommon, pretty annual. Flower form like that of many Clarkias, and quite showy in bloom.

Eriogonum elongatumphoto The common name longstem buckwheat barely describes the charm of this plant. Round clusters of pinkish white flowers are carried along willowy ghostly gray stems that extend 2-3′ from the plant base. Z8?
Eriogonum fasciculatum –  Shrubby buckwheat covers vast hillsides in the interior part of this state. All manner of insects revel in the warm white to pale pink flowers in early summer, rusty red seedheads follow.
Eriogonum giganteum –  Islands off southern California. This grand (4-6′) shrub with large oval silver leaves covers itself in summer with broad lacy umbels of white flowers that age rusty. Attractive to beneficial insects. Z9
Eriogonum grande var. rubescensdark fl.  photo This seed strain of red buckwheat produces rose pink to exceptionally dark rose-red flowers. Low leaves are gray to greenish gray. Fl. color is variable, but never light pink. Some fl. stems are taller than the typical seed strains offered of this species. Z9
Eriogonum nudumrobust form – Local race of naked buckwheat is 5′ or more high when in bloom. Many typical white to pinkish ball flowers along the green to rosy leafless Perennial.

Eriogonum vimineum

Eriogonum vimineum

Eriogonum vimineum–  California to WA, Arizona. Wicker buckwheat. photo Perfect 18″ domes with vivid rose pink round flowers held along wiry interlaced stems brighten the summer and early fall garden. Showy, annual.
Erysimum capitatum – photo Annual or biennial brightens hillsides with spikes of fragrant, pale to bright yellow “wallflowers” in spring. Parent seed from inland San Luis Obispo County population. 30 seeds

Erythranthe (Mimulus) guttata -low form Western U.S. photo This desirable seed strain of common monkeyflower produces leaves that always stay low, and fairly tidy. Brilliant yellow fls. on leafless 18″ stems. Wet growing. Z6 100+ seed
Eschscholzia caespitosaphoto Foothill poppy is somewhat smaller than typical California poppy. Bright orange flowers are abundant in spring and early summer. Annual. 100 seeds

Eschscholzia californicacream This perennial form of California poppy has creamy to pale yellow flowers; it is smaller in stature than many robust orange cultivars, fitting into plantings easily. Z6 100 seeds

Eschscholzia lemmonii ssp. lemmonii

Eschscholzia lemmonii ssp. lemmonii photo Incredibly vivid orange flowers from furred buds appear through the spring on this typically grassland inhabitant. Not as overwhelming in character (seeding around) as full size California poppy.
Eschscholzia lobbiiphoto Diminutive plants produce vibrant clear yellow round flowers in spring and summer. Great for containers or rock gardens. Annual. 100 seeds

Eschscholzia lobbii

Eschscholzia lobbii

Eschscholzia lobbii ‘Sundew’photo Creamy pale yellow poppy flowers are a little larger than the species. Easy to grow and quite floriferous. 50 seeds 

Eschscholzia lobbii ‘Sundew’

Eucrypta chrysanthemifolia –  photo Divided mounding foliage has a wafting sweet-lemony smell; small white flowers are carried in loose clusters in spring, early summer. Annual, and worth it for the foliage scent alone.
Festuca californica Dark green leaf blades on 18″ full clumps, this handsome grass is well adapted to summer dry climates. It inhabits north facing, often shady slopes Airy fl. stems to 4’+. Z8 or less

Gilia achilleifolia –  photo More relaxed in leaf and flower than G. capitata, this easy annual carries cheery bright blue heads of flowers in spring and early summer. 100+ seed
Gilia achilleifolia—pale bluephoto Selected color form of California gilia has pale grey-blue flowers. 100+ seeds
Gilia achilleifolia – white flower  photo White flowered form of this cheery annual-easy and prolific in bloom. Reseeds nicely. 100+ seed
Gilia achilleifolia –mix Seed included from all the colors. 100+ seeds
Gilia capitata ssp chamissonisphoto Received under this name, though plants lack the skunk odor. Finely divided leaves form tight, low cushions; round heads of lavender blue flowers are held in abundance just over the low leaves.

Gilia nevinii

Gilia nevinii

Gilia nevinii – San Clemente, Santa Catalina, Guadalupe islands, California. photo Small starry blue flowers appear for months in abundance among feathery leaves on this charming annual. Mounds to 12″. 200+ seed

Grindelia camporum

Grindelia camporum

Grindelia hirsutula – Free flowering gum plant has 1.5″ yellow daisy flowers that appear for months with some supplemental watering. Rough green leaves are not gummy. Flower stems to 30″.

Helenium puberulummaroon. photo In this form, the round balls of buds are maroon, with a short skirt of yellow petals below. As the fertile flowers open with yellow stamens, the circling of open flowers provides great contrast. Very easy, can reseed. Z8 100 seeds
Hemizonia congesta ssp. luzulifolia –  photo Bright white daisies are carried on this annual tarweed and it perfumes the summer and fall air with its aromatic foliage. Blooms summer to fall.
Hemizonia corymbosa, H. fasciculata now listed under Deinandra.
Heuchera maxima –  photo Large rounded leaves develop into low wide cushions; spikes of warm white flowers set on pinkish stems rise to 3′ in spring. Great in dry shade. 100+ seeds

Hibiscus lasiocarpus ssp occidentalis

Hibiscus lasiocarpos var. occidentalis

Hibiscus lasiocarpos var. occidentalis –  This wetland inhabitant forms a perennial rhizome. Stems to 6′ with soft-furry green leaves display white hibiscus flowers w/red centers if it is hot enough. 20 seeds

Horkelia californicaphoto The aroma from the leaves of this unassuming, low mounding perennial perfumes the garden in the warmer months. Starry white flowers in spring and early summer can be visited by butterflies.
Hulsea heterochroma –  photo Very narrow rusty red rays surround a central golden disc; glandular green leaves stay low. Can grow to 3′ high.”Super Smoke Plus” will accompany seed, as it is a fire follower.
Isomeris (Peritoma) arborea –  Silvery light green leaves add beautiful foliage texture to any planting. Bright yellow flowers followed by fat green seedpods (hence its common name of bladderpod). Shrub to 4-5′. Z9 30 seeds

L – M

Lasthenia californica ssp. macrantha –  photo It is hard to believe this perennial goldfields is closely related to the slender yellow daisy that carpets dry places in spring. Wide green leaves form a tight cushion to 4″ high and 16″ across. Bright yellow flowers appear almost year-round. From the immediate coast, best with some water.
Lasthenia minorphoto Rounded mounds reach 8-12″ with somewhat succulent green leaves on this coastal goldfields. Bright yellow daisy flowers cover the mound in spring. Annual.
Layia chrysanthemoides –  photo Smooth tidy tips. Somewhat succulent low leaves are glossy green; cheery spring flowers are good sized, abundant and yellow with white tips. Annual.
Layia chrysanthemoides—half size– photo This seed was received as an aberrant form of L. chrysanthemoides. It is very similar in form and flower, but it is half the size in every way, with pure yellow abundant flowers. Annual, great in containers.
Layia gaillardioides –  photo Woodland layia. Perfumed tarweed ends the spring season with bright yellow daisies held on slender stems with a wonderful tangy aroma. Easy annual in sun or part shade.

Layia glandulosa

Layia glandulosa

Layia glandulosa –   photo Palest yellow daisies in spring on branched slender stems create a great effect in spring. Aromatic leaves. Spring bloom is profuse, annual.
Layia pentachaeta ssp. albida photo White Sierra tidy tips—the common name says it all. Bright white daisies on wiry stems; aromatic leaves and lots of flowers in spring.

Leptosiphon ciliatusphoto This annual deserves a better common name than whisker brush. Dense fat prickly heads show off their bright pink flowers held among white feathery bracts. Spring bloom.

Leptosiphon ciliatus

Leptosiphon “dylanae” –  photo Thought to be either a subspecies of Leptosiphon grandiflorus or a distinct species, this annual extends its blooming season for months with some supplemental water. Dense heads (over an inch across) of dark lavender flowers are held on 12″ stems. Easy.
Leptosiphon parviflorusphoto Seed offered is from a very distinctive population championed by the late Santa Cruz naturalist Randy Morgan. Corolla limbs are golden-orange, with a pair of red dots at the base of each lobe. Corolla tubes are very long–up to almost 2 inches. Typically, flower color in L. parviflorus is highly variable, with yellow, pink, and/or white corolla variants, often within a single population. This rare entity is fairly uniform in color throughout its very localized population. It appears to have close affinities to the equally rare coastal species Leptosiphon croceus. Thanks to Aaron Schusteff for description/botanical information.

Leptosiphon parviflorus–from Boulder Creek

Lessingia leptoclada photo Sierra lessingia brightens the garden in summer. Wiry erect stems can reach 2′ or more and carry bright lavender flowers at their tips. Showy in bloom and easy to grow. 30 seeds
Lessingia pectinata var tenuipesphoto Another late summer bloomer, this wiry annual can reach 2′ with many interlaced stems. Individual flowers are bright yellow with red-brown banding in the throat. Pleasantly aromatic.  30 seeds
Limnanthes douglasii ssp. nivea –  photo Meadow foam. Easy annual, and it does well in winter wet soil. Pure white flowers in spring appear in abundance, before the plant disappears for the summer, to reappear with fall rains.
Limnanthes douglasii ssp. rosea photo Typically the low growing meadow foam puts out sheets of bright white flowers in spring. This charming variant has soft pink veining in the white flowers and they age pale pink. Well adapted to wet soils and containers.
Lotus (Hosackia) crassifolius var. otayensis –  San Diego County. photo Arching stems carry gray green, softly furry leaves and rise to about 18″. Clusters of red violet and white fls. appear in spring and summer. Perennial. Z9    20 seeds
Lotus formosissimus (Hosackia gracilis) photo From seasonally moist meadows, harlequin lotus forms a flat perennial mat to 2′ across, covered with bright yellow and pink pea flowers in spring, with scattered bloom in summer. Z8

Lupinus albifrons–  photo Leaves of silver bush lupine shimmer in full sun. Bright red to blue violet flower spikes in spring are showy.  30 seeds
Lupinus arboreus—lavender fl. — Fast growing bush lupine has green leaves and showy spikes of lavender fls in spring and early summer. Can seed around. 30 seeds
Lupinus bicolor – California to Washington. photo Annual. Miniature lupine displays small, very bright blue flowers in spring. Only 12″ tall, but a patch of flowers creates quite a nice, sparkling effect. Annual. 50 seeds
Lupinus benthamiiphoto Spider lupine has very narrow leaves and can reach 30″ in height. Bright blue flowers are vivid. Annual. 50 seeds

Lupinus concinnus

Lupinus concinnus

Lupinus concinnus photo Cute little bajada lupine creates white furry foliage mounds to 8″ and decorates them with spikes of smallish bright blue purple flowers in spring. Annual. 30 seeds
Lupinus hirsutissimusphoto The common name of stinging lupine for this annual does not begin to illustrate the charm of this plant. Covered with stiff hairs, it bristles with enthusiasm. Red violet fls. in spring. 30 seeds

Lupinus luteolus

Lupinus luteolus

Lupinus luteolus – photo The erect stems of the annual butter lupine branch to form a candelabra effect. Spikes of soft yellow flowers develop grey to blue tones as they mature. Late spring/early summer bloom. 30 seeds
Lupinus microcarpus var densiflorus –dark pinkphoto Original collection from Trinity County. This variety of chick lupine has bright rose pink flowers on arching stems in spring. 50 seeds

Lupinus microcarpus var microcarpus

Lupinus microcarpus var microcarpus

Lupinus microcarpus var microcarpus (L. subvexus)photo Bright red violet to purple flowers are carried in spikes over low green leaves on this spring blooming annual. Low leaves, nice show. 30 seeds
Lupinus microcarpus var microcarpus –lavender blue  photo Lavender blue flowers in the typical symmetrical spikes are beautiful over low green leaves on this spring blooming annual. 50 seeds
Lupinus microcarpus var microcarpus—near whitephoto Dense furry palest lavender and white flowers over low leaves. 50 seeds

Lupinus nanus – Western U.S. photo Annual with bright blue flowers grows to 15″, and blooms with abandon in spring. Sweet “moth ball” fl. fragrance is just another intriguing smell from California grasslands. 50 seeds
Lupinus nanus ‘Pacific Pink’- photo Soft pink flowered seed strain of the annual lupine that paints California spring meadows in broad swathes. Developed from a chance finding of pink fl. plants. 50 seeds
Lupinus polyphyllus var burkeiphoto Perennial wet-growing lupine from higher elevations in the Sierra is dormant in winter, with spikes of bright lavender blue fls held over lush green leaves in summer. 20 seeds
Lupinus sericatusphoto Cobb Mountain lupine is perennial, with broad silver leaves and pinkish mauve to violet flower spikes in spring. Leaves stay low, flower spikes to 18″. Seed offered is from a gardening friend and a very small percentage (maybe 5 percent) might have greener than silver leaves. 30 seeds
Lupinus stiversii photo Harlequin lupine grows in the Sierra foothills, though there are also populations in Monterey County. Very pretty flowers combine yellow banners with rose pink wings. Annual. 30 seeds
Lupinus succulentus ‘Rodeo Rose’ photo Typical L. succulentus has blue purple flowers. This very pretty seed strain os arroyo lupine produces soft rose pink flower spikes for a long period in spring and summer. Original selection and naming was by Roger Raiche. Annual. 30 seeds
Lupinus truncatusphoto This annual lupine from the southern part of California is best appreciated close up. Deep purple flowers mature to red violet, flower spikes are held on narrow stems. 30 seeds
Lupinus variicolorphoto Perennial lupine from the immediate coast stays low.  Spikes of blue and white flowers are striking in spring and summer.   30 seeds
Madia elegans –  photo Annual. Young rosettes are soft-hairy; by midsummer they can elongate from 3-7′ and short branches carrying many 1.5″ miniature sunflowers explode with color. Aromatic foliage.

Madia elegans vernalis

Madia elegans [ssp vernalis]

Madia elegans [ssp. vernalis]photo Annual. Currently included with the species M. elegans, this (former) subspecies is distinctive in habit and bloom time. 30″ mounds are covered with the usual yellow (no red center) flowers in spring. Foliage has the same wonderful fragrance.
Madia gracilis – Annual. Grassy tarweed has slender stems, softly furry green leaves with a great aroma and many soft yellow daisy flowers to feed spring insects and butterflies. Adaptable and floriferous.

Madia gracilis

Malacothrix coulteriphoto   Snake’s head can reach at least 2′ when conditions are good. Papery buds have dark stripes on each pale phyllary, then open to showy yellow centered, white chicory-style flowers. Annual. Easy.
Malacothrix floccifera photo Petite annual makes clouds of 1.5-2 cm yellow to white flowers in late spring and early summer. Leaves have little white furry tufts when they are young. Can reach 12″ high by 18″ wide. Great for containers.
Melica imperfecta – Coast melic grows in many plant communities in California. It forms bright green tidy clumps and flower stems are narrow and somewhat drooping. Will grow in sun or part shade. Z8 or less
Mentzelia croceaphoto Sierra blazingstar is a great name for this annual. Stems reach to 30″ and put on quite a show with their abundance of shiny yellow flowers with prominent stamens.
Microseris sylvatica photo Perennial from dry slopes makes substantial clumps in time. Yellow chicory style flowers on long bare stems to 2′ appear in spring followed by the typical puff seed heads.   30 seeds

Mimulus aurantiacus var. grandiflorus see  Diplacus grandiflorus
Mimulus (Erythranthe) guttatus -low form Western U.S. listed under Erythranthe
Mimulus (Diplacus) pictus – listed under Diplacus

Monardella douglasii

Monardella douglasii

Monardella douglasii – Slender annual with a minty fragrance has erect stems that are topped by translucent bracts photo under heads of red purple flowers. From dry habitats, and needs good air circulation.
Monolopia stricta –  photo Small yellow daisy flowers are held in frothy abundance over smooth gray leaves on this charming small stature spring blooming annual from the dry interior parts of California.

N – Z

Nemophila menziesii ‘Frosty Blue’ –  photo Typical baby blue eyes has those incredible baby blue flowers in spring set among green leaves with silver spots. This seed strain produces many plants with all silver leaves as well as the typical silver spotted ones. Annual, and shows up well in the shade.
Nuttallanthus texanus – Blue toadflax. photo Very wispy annual to 2′, with narrow leaves and loose spikes of light lavender flowers with curved spurs.
Oenothera elata ssp. hirsutissimaphoto Biennial can reach over 6′ high in moist gardens. Vibrant yellow flowers to 3″ across climb up the stems as the summer progresses. Easy to grow. Birds love the seeds.

Papaver heterophylla

Papaver (Stylomecon) heterophyllaphoto Wind poppy. Glorious 2″ orange flowers on thin stems can have maroon centers. Best with good drainage. Annual. Sent with “Super Smoke Plus” to aid germination.
Penstemon rattanii var kleeiphoto Santa Cruz Mountains beardtongue. Shiny and smooth broad light green leaves are attractive; flower stems to 5′ carry many blue violet flowers in spring and summer.
Perideridia californica photo California yampah. Typically found along streams, this perennial keeps attractive foliage low. Tall slender stems with rounded white flower heads appear in late spring to early summer. habit 30 seeds
Perideridia kelloggiiphoto Yampah. Slender perennial with divided leaves puts up flower stems to 3′ which carry umbels of white flowers that feed butterflies. Larval host for anise swallowtail. Blooms in midsummer. 30 seeds

Phacelia bolanderi –  photo Light lilac blue flowers are held on spreading stems over softly hairy, gray green leaves. Effect is subtle, but very pleasing. Good perennial plant for dry shade.
Phacelia californica photo Attractive perennial foliage clumps are a purplish gray green. Full flower heads are an especially bright lavender and are held over the foliage on erect stems in spring. Z9, at least
Phacelia ciliata –  photo This bright lavender blue annual phacelia creates lakes of color in the Carrizo Plain area in spring during generous rainfall years. Flowers are held over lobed soft grey-green leaves.
Phacelia distans –  photo Creamy flowers with delicate brown veining are abundant on this widespread California annual. It is much appreciated by all sorts of bees and flying creatures. 100+ seeds
Phacelia parryiphoto Annual to 2’, with purple flowers on a coiled inflorescence that unfurls as spring moves on. Most phacelias are attractive to beneficial insects.
Pholistoma auritum –  photo Clambering annual has widely lobed green leaves with silvery spotting, and large lavender blue flowers with white then dark centers. Showy annual for dry shade. Can be difficult to germinate.
Plagiobothrys chorisianus var chorisianus – Choris’s popcorn flower. photo Clouds of white popcorn flowers almost cover the leaves on this ground-hugging annual. Bloom lasts quite a while if the soil dries slowly.
Plantago erecta photo Found throughout California, foothill plantain can be quite abundant in spring. Leaves are narrow and short stems hold the translucent “bobblehead” flowers. Host species for checkerspot butterflies.
Plantago subnudaphoto Tall coastal plantain is perennial, with wide veined green leaves and narrow flower spikes. It does best with some soil moisture in summer.
Platystemon californicus – Cream cups really need no description. Luscious cream colored flowers brighten any spring garden.

Pseudognaphalium californicumphoto Snowy white papery flowers in full heads have an intriguing maple-ish aroma. Annual to perennial. Green leaves, upright stems, dust-like seeds. Spring to summer bloom. Great dried flower.    100+ seeds
Pseudognaphalium ramosissimum – Pink everlasting has small papery pinkish flowers on erect stems that are 4′ or more. Wonderfully aromatic green leaves, summer bloom. Not showy, but it smells so good.
Romanzoffia californica – California to Washington. photo Mist maidens. Low clumps of shiny lobed lvs are absolutely covered with dainty white flowers in spring. Must dry out completely summer and fall. Easy in containers. Z7

Salvia apiana –  White sage. Subshrub makes 2-3′ mounds of broad white, highly aromatic leaves. Flower stems to 6’+ carry white to pinkish white flowers in spring. 30 seeds
Salvia carduaceaphoto Pale lavender blue flowers with an incredibly frilly lower lip are borne in spiny, cobwebby heads. Annual, good in containers. 30 seeds

Salvia carduacea

Salvia carduacea

Salvia clevelandii hybrids – Seed was collected from Salvia clevelandii ‘Winnifred Gilman’ grown in the presence of other California species and they are known to cross freely. Parent has aromatic leaves, bright blue fls.  50 seeds
Salvia spathacea –from yellow flowered plant.  Habit, sweet smell and culture are all the same as for the typical dark pink form. In the past, seedlings from yellow parent produced offspring that were about 30% all yellow, with others variable—lighter pink, pink and yellow, etc. 30 seeds
Scrophularia californica chartreuse fl.  The typical figwort has small dark red flowers; this seed strain has the same small flowers but they are a striking yellow green. Perennial, to 5’+. Z7 100+ seeds
Silene laciniata ssp. laciniata photo Cardinal catchfly makes a real show in spring and summer when its display of bright red flowers can seem endless. Hummingbirds love it. Perennial, erect stems to 2′.

Stephanomeria virgata

Stephanomeria virgata

Stephanomeria virgata photo Unassuming rosettes give rise to many thin stalks bearing bright light pink chicory-like flowers. Blooms for a long time with moderate water. Butterflies like it too.  Annual, can reach 4-5′ in a good situation.

Streptanthus farnsworthianus –  photo Startling shiny red violet to navy blue bracts are up to 4″ long and 2″ wide on this spring annual. Actual small flowers are white. To 18″ tall. Easy to grow.

Streptanthus farnsworthianus

Streptanthus farnsworthianus

Streptanthus glandulosus ssp glandulosus (albidus ssp. peramoenus) photo An uncommon annual with bright mauve-purple inflated flowers on slender stems. Easy. Sold out 2024
Streptanthus glandulosus ssp. secundus photo Little white pouch flowers set along thin stems are pretty in mass on this easy spring annual. To 12-18″.

Streptanthus insignis

Streptanthus insignis

Streptanthus insignis –  photo San Benito jewelflower. A slender spring annual that sends flowers up from a basal rosette. Showy sterile bracts held at the top are rich, dark purple; actual flowers are paler, but interesting. Most effective in a colony.
Thalictrum fendleriphoto The local meadow rue lacks the vivid pinks of garden varieties, but it is a thoroughly graceful perennial. Typical delicate leaves stay below 2′, flower stems to 6′ carry clouds of subtle flowers. A flower panicle of male stamens all hanging strictly vertical on threadlike filaments is quite a show.
Thysanocarpus curvipesphoto The true T. curvipes is a slender spring annual that shines when small, quite ornamental round seeds are backlit by sun. Bloom is in early spring, actual flowers are white and small.
Thysanocarpus laciniatus photo This narrow leaved lacepod is most notable for its overall effect, rather than striking seedpods (though they are nice). Vertical waxy glaucous stems reach over 2′ with tiny white flowers that mature to rounded green and pink seeds. Stems develop red and peachy tones with age (and drought).

Thysanocarpus radians – California, western U.S. photo Lacepod is a slender spring annual with small white flowers, but elegant and well displayed fruits. Dangling round seeds display a network of veins to the edges of the “pod”, and are subtly colored pink and green and cream as they mature. 30 seeds
Trichostema lanceolatum – Vinegar weed is the pungent annual seen on roadsides and in (dry) grassy fields in late summer and fall. Pale blue flowers are thick on the sturdy upright stems to 12-18″.

Trifolium fucatum

Trifolium fucatum

Trifolium fucatum – California, Oregon. photo Bull clover. A very nice annual from wet meadows, lush green leaves often have interesting brown and silver markings. Large flower heads start out creamy white and age to a light rosy pink.

Trifolium fucatum — in the broad sense.– cub clover
Affectionately called “cub clover” because it is a junior form or subspecies of T. fucatum this annual has lush green leaves with brown speckles and round greenish yellow flower heads that age rose. Grows on grassy slopes and in meadows.

Trifolium fucatum–cub clover

Trifolium grayi – This species has few markings on its rich green, lush leaves. Heads of flowers are a dark lavender purple and are abundant in spring.
Trifolium jokerstii photo Uncommon clover with vivid golden yellow flowers is from vernal pool habitats. Easy to grow, blooms are abundant in spring to early summer. 30 seeds

Trifolium phaeocephalum

Trifolium phaeocephalum

Trifolium obtusiflorum – Creek or clammy clover makes spreading lush mats of green leaves and produces purplish pink and white flowers for a long time if soil is moist. Annual.
Trifolium phaeocephalum Greene –  photo Flowers are darkest purple and white on this species; and can appear for a long time if season is mild. Some markings on the leaves. Classified in Jepson under T. variegatum.
Trifolium willdenovii – W. United States. photo Thin leaves and many rich purple and white flowers on rounded heads. Some seedlings have burgundy leaves. Annual. Good on heavy soils.
Trifolium wormskioldii  – photo Cow clover. Perennial clover from moist habitats has lush green leaves and bright red violet flowers.
Triteleia ixioidesphoto Pretty face is an easy to grow bulb that produces broad clusters of yellow flowers in late spring on sturdy stems. Found in grassland as well as woodland habitats. 50 seeds

Zeltnera (Centaurium) davyi

Zeltnera davyi (Centaurium d.) —photo Shiny pink flowers with distinctive white centers appear in late spring and summer on this annual from coastal California. Larger flowers than C. muehlenbergii. 200+ seed
Zeltnera muehlenbergii (Centaurium m.) –  photo Slender annual carries heads of silky clear pink flowers in spring. Beautiful in a mass, or a meadow. 200+ seed