Order Information
Most seed packets are $4.00. Restio seeds are $4.50.
Download order form
that can be sent by postal mail. Formal order form is not required, an email listing or inquiry is fine.
There is no minimum order. Please send payment by check or money order payable to Seedhunt. Orders can also be paid through the following link to Paypal. If you use Paypal, please also send a separate email with your order and shipping information.
If multiple packets of the same species are ordered, they will be packaged together unless individual packaging is requested.
Shipping and handling charge is $5.00 per order for US orders. Shipping charge for orders to Canada is $15. Shipping charge for all other international orders is $20. Phytosanitary certificates needed for seed orders to the EU cannot be provided.
California residents please add 9.5% sales tax or include a signed resale certificate.
Inquiries and orders can be received by e-mail to seedhunt[@]cruzio.com.
If you wish to pay using PayPal, just click on the button, and where it says “Price per item” just enter the total for the order. The list of seeds ordered can be sent by email.
Feel free to specify substitutes. If you do not list substitutes, a refund will be sent.
Orders can be sent by email to seedhunt[@]cruzio.com or they can be sent by postal mail to: Seedhunt, P.O. Box 96, Freedom, CA 95019-0096 USA.X