
Packets from this list are $4.50 each, and include “Super Smoke Plus” to aid germination.

The Restionaceae is a family of rush like plants largely from the southern hemisphere. Restios — or the species offered here– are plants that appreciate acid soils of low fertility. January 2007 provided useful cold hardiness information on many species-night temperatures were 20 degrees F. or lower for quite a few days here.

Best germination comes when seeds are treated with “Super Smoke Plus” prior to planting, and when they experience a marked difference (30 degrees F. is ideal) between day and night temperatures after they are sown. Best in soils low in phosphorus.

Restios offered here are from South Africa.

Rhodocoma capensis – Tall, erect columns of branched “horsetail” dark green stems droop at their tips. Small flowers are golden and line the branch tips. This is very graceful in form and creates great contrast with all other plants. Clumps here are 6’+ at present and are a visual treat in the garden. Untouched at 20 degrees F. 100+ seed

Thamnochortus insignis – Forms a hemispherical kinetic sculpture in time with its slender dark green stems moving with the slightest breeze. Stems can be 5′ in length and rise from all points of the dense basal clump. Golden flowers tip these branches. Can reseed in a limited way in the garden. Good container plant. No damage at 20 degrees F. 100+ seed